eISSN: 2773-546X
Author Guidelines
Manuscript Preparation for Review
All manuscripts should be written in English or Bahasa Malaysia.
Jurnal OptoElektronik (JOE) does not require specific format for manuscript submission intended for review purposes. However, clear and neat format will help in better reviewing experience.
Preferably, manuscript prepared for review are single column, single double spaced document.
Compulsory items to be included in the manuscript include:
1. Title: To be placed top of the first page.
2. Authors, affiliations and correspondents email: Placed immediately below title. For multiple affiliations, please mark accordingly.
2. Abstract: Limit to about 200 words.
3. Keywords: Up to 8 keywords, no acronyms.
4. Main text: Only three section layers allowed (section, subsection and sub-subsection). Make sure that the section header layers are distinguishable.
5. Figures/tables captions: All figures and tables must be accompanied by numbered captions, and has to be mentioned/referred at least once in the text.
6. Equations (if applicable): All symbols in equations should be defined before or after the equation. Displayed equations should be clearly numbered; and mentioned/referred to at least once in the text
7. References: References cited in the text should be listed and numbered at the end of the manuscript. When citing, enclose its corresponding number in square bracket, like [1]. Information to include: Authors, article/book title, publication/conference, Volume, Number, Year, DOI/URL/ISBN.
For ease of formatting, JOE editorial team has prepared a simple template below:
1. MS Word users: Download .docx template
Final Manuscript Submission
Upon acceptance to be published in JOE, the editorial team will reformat the manuscript. Authors will be contacted and are required to upload the following items:
1. Final word processor (.docx/.doc/.rtf/.tex etc.) file
2. ALL supplementary files (figures, .bib etc.) in ONE .zip file. Figures should be of high-quality and are saved in JPEG/JPG format, including figures drawn using word processor. Save all figures as "fig1.jpeg","fig2.jpeg" etc. according to the order in manuscript.
Note: For high quality final manuscript, please make sure that all figures are of high quality.