About the Journal

Jurnal OptoElektronik is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal, covering broad areas of photonics, including optoelectronics, optical sensors and communications, optical fiber and devices, and photonic technologies. Relevant articles describing novel theories, applications as well as reviews are welcomed for submission.

Peer Review Policy
OptoElektronik implements blind peer-review policy. 
Special issues however may involve different procedures including appointment of guest editors and committees, etc.   

Publication Frequency
OptoElektronik publishes its articles online with frequency of at least four (4) issues per year, not including special issues.

Open Access Policy
All articles published in OptoElektronik are provided full open-access, immediately available for reading, downloading and sharing. Articles are also permitted for usage, distribution and reproduction in any form, as long as acknowledgement of original work in the form of citation is provided.

JOE is supported by IEEE Photonics Society, Malaysia Chapter. 
Find out more about IEEE Photonics Society, Malaysia Chapter here.